Interactions of Proof Assistants and Mathematics

International Summer School, Regensburg, Germany, 2023

Important Dates

Application: May - June 9 2023
In-person registration: Aug 1 2023
Online registration: Sept 15 2023
Summer school: Sept 18-29 2023


Contact the Organizers

Installation of HOL Light

  1. Install Opam, the OCaml package manager (as root). See “” for fuller details, but for example

     sudo apt-get install opam    (on Debian-based Linux systems)
     brew install opam            (on Mac OS X using Homebrew)
  2. Use opam to install appropriate versions of ocaml and camlp5.

     opam init
     eval `opam env`
     opam switch create 4.14.0
     eval `opam env`
     opam pin add camlp5 8.00.04
     opam install num camlp5 camlp-streams ocamlfind
  3. Clone the HOL Light repo and build

     git clone
     cd ./hol-light
  4. Inside the HOL Light directory, start OCaml and load HOL Light

      [ inside Ocaml]
     #use "";;

That takes 1-2 minutes to load, depending on your machine speed. You are then in an OCaml toplevel with the HOL Light basics loaded.